My name is Hillory Suy, and I am from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I have two siblings and I am the oldest in my family. I am currently a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho. Living away from home for the past three years made me realize that spending time with family is way more important than anything as it will bring us closer. Thanks to my best friend Debra Williams (project assistant), I got a chance to listen to my mom’s interview from the BYU Cambodian Oral History Project. This interview meant a lot to me, because I got to hear more about my mom’s life.
I remember growing up, I would hear my parents telling me their stories, childhood memories, and what they had been through to encourage us to work harder. After listening to my mom’s interview about her life experiences and what she had gone through, it amazed me all over again.
My mom left her hometown when she was about sixteen years old to support her parents and family. She lived with extended family in Phnom Penh as a nanny. She worked very hard, and didn’t get to go back home often. She would save up the money she earned just to send it to her mom. She loved her mom (my grandma) a lot. This really touched my heart because she was always putting the needs of others before her own.
My mom didn’t have many opportunities to get an education. This is a big reason she encouraged me to pursue a good education for my future career. I realized while listening to her interview that she made many sacrifices for me and my siblings. She is always there for me and helps me reach my goals. I miss my mom and my family in Cambodia, but this interview helped me feel closer to her.
I could not be grateful enough for this project. It enables me to learn so much more about my mom’s life. She used to tell us those stories all the time when I was little, but hearing them again in the interview helps me reflect on my life and reminds me to keep improving and working hard towards my goal. Because she had suffered and lived through poverty, She wanted to be able to provide us with the lifestyle we wanted. My mom has inspired me in a lot of ways, she was the bravest, kindest, hardest-working person ever. She would always tell me that Heavenly Father always has a plan for us if we trust Him. She was a great example for me and my siblings.
I’m so thankful to be able to listen to her interview. I know that this interview and her story will be so important for the next generation.
You can see Kroeun Sophal’s interview here: Kroeun Sophal’s Interview
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