The Scottish Typographical Circular

Subtitle: “Under the Auspices and at the Risk of the Edinburgh Branch of the Scottish Typographical Society”

Alternate Title(s)

  • Scottish Typographical Journal (Finkelstein)

Start Date(s)

  • 1857 (Finkelstein)
  • 1858 (Stewart)

End Date(s)

  • 1909 (Finkelstein)
  • 1908 (Stewart)



  • Edinburgh, Scotland

Circulation Count

  • 1000 (1857), 1025 (1858), 1066 (1859) (Couper (1903))

Type of Content

• Scottish Contributors: Alexander Smart, James Smith, Robert Brough (Finkelstein 124)


  • "In September of the same year [1858] the Circular was adopted a the official organ of the Edinburgh Typographical Society" (Couper 10)
  • “It started with ‘the avowed purpose of advocating all measures legitimately tending to the benefit of the Scottish journeyman printer,’ and embraced trade union principles” (Couper 10)
  • “The Scottish Typographical Circular cannot be overlooked in the interests of this Bibliography. It contains many incidental references to changes in and additions to the periodical press. Ostensibly the trade organ of the operative printers, it has a wider value because of some general articles” (Couper 10)
  • Finkelstein (111-24) has a chapter on this journal; similar commitments (as Typographical Circular) to print trade concerns
  • Leading Article: "Devoted to 'the legitimate benefit of the working printer in Scotland, by the dissemination of printing intelligence, and the consideration of the various measures likely to affect his position or worse'" (Finkelstein 112-13)
  • "Letterpress printers' trade journal" (Mitchell's 1895:232)
  • Printed on blue letter paper (Bigmore and Wyman 2:189)
  • Publisher's address: 98 High Street, Edinburgh (BTL19 Database) and (Mitchell's 1895:232)
  • Continued as the Scottish Typographical Journal from 1909 on (Finkelstein 111-24)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • Bigmore and Wyman 2:189; 1903:10; 7:117; 4:61; 111-24; 51; 232;198-99

Works Cited

  • Bigmore, E. C., and C. W. H. Wyman. A Bibliography of Printing. 1880. Oak Knoll P and the British Library, 2001.
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