The Printers', Bookbinders', Lithographers', and Stationers' Sales and Wants Advertiser

Subtitle: “The Best, Cheapest, and Only Medium in the Trade for all Wants”

Alternate Title(s)

  • Sales and Wants Advertiser (Mitchell’s 1895)
  • Printing Trades Journal (Shattock)

Start Date(s)

  • 1887 (COPAC)

End Date(s)

  • 1962 (Shattock)



  • London, England

Circulation Count

  • 8000 (journal itself)

Type of Content

• Register of new and second-hand machinery, engines, materials, &c., used in the above trades, also businesses for sale, auction sales, partnerships, premises to let, situations wanted and vacant, and all trade wants, novelties, new inventions & general trade news (title page, 1911)


  • Underneath title reads: "The Best, Cheapest, and Only Special Medium in the Trade for all Wants," and, "A Monthly Register of New & Second-hand Machinery, Engines, Materials, &c., used in the above Trades, also Businesses FOR SALE, Auction Sales, Partnerships, Premises to Let, Situations Wanted and Vacant, and all Trade Wants" (1911)
  • Title page states that guaranteed circulation of next and succeeding issues is 8000 copies, but this information may not be accurate (1887, 1911)
  • Publisher's address: Bear Alley, Farringdon Street (BLT19 Database)
  • "Indispensable to every printing office, bindery, or graphic art studio" (Ulrich 110)
  • Incorporated with The Printing World (Shattock 52)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • Shattock 52; 60, 89, 110; 231; 1891:94

Works Cited

  • Shattock, Joanne. The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. 4: 1800-1900. Edited by Frederick W. Bateson. 3rd ed. Cambridge UP. 1999.
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