
Subtitle: “A Journal for Printing-House Employés of all Grades and Departments”

Start Date(s)

  • 1896 (COPAC)

End Date(s)

  • 1896 (COPAC)



  • London, England

Type of Content

• "News, reports of some meetings of the London Society of Compositors, Trades Council jottings, occassional longer article, e.g. H. J. Tozer, 'The Economic Theory of Trades Unionism'" (Harrison 434) • reminiscences, among the auxiliaries, congress notes, in and out of print, shop, technicalia, advertisements, articles on economic and political issues of interest to tradesmen, print for prentices, trades council jottings, coming events, correspondence, meetings of the month, notices (Waterloo Directory)


  • "Recent events have certainly proved the necessity for such a journal, in which may be voiced the opinions, of different sections of the trade, from the wage-earners' point of view . . . to be genuinely representative of printing-house employes, whose interests it will be its chief duty to defend" (qtd. in Harrison 434)
  • "Others have been before us--have quickly come, as quickly gone. A comparison, however, will convince our readers that the scope of this journal is wider and more representative than any of its predecessors. To the trade journals now extant Print does not enter the lists as a rival: its price, its style, its aims commend it to a larger and more democratic clientèle" (vol. 1, no. 1, 1896, p. ?)
  • "It will be seen that we make no attempt at an artistic production. Print will be plainly, but well printed, without any elaborate display of American or German types and borders" (vol. 1, no. 1, 1896, p. ?)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • Harrison et al. 434; 53; 3:603

Works Cited

  • Harrison, Royden, G. B. Woolven, and Robert Duncan. The Warwick Guide to British Labour Periodicals, 1790-1970: A Check-List. Humanities P, 1977.
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