The Paper Record

Alternate Title(s)

  • Paper, Stationery & Printing Record: An organ of the trade (COPAC)
  • Paper Record & Wood Pulp News (COPAC)

Start Date(s)

  • 1886 (Stewart)
  • 1885 ("Select List")

End Date(s)

  • 1893 (Stewart)
  • 1895 (Shattock)


  • London, England

Type of Content

• Notes of the month, biographical sketches, paper mill sketches, foreign news, new machinery, tid-bits from contemporaries, law courts, review of the markets, the book-shelf, forest news, trade news • Articles on new products or innovations, trade news, financial status of the industry, and short, illustrated sketches of individual mills make up the bulk of this publication. It does not appear to be aimed at a general audience, as esoteric references, chemical formulas, and trade jargon are used throughout. • "paper-making, printing, etc." (Index 19)


  • "A monthly periodical designed to give those in the paper and wood pulp trades important information. Articles on new products or innovations, trade news, financial status of the industry, and short, illustrated sketches of individual mills make up the bulk of this publication. It does not appear to be aimed at a general audience, as esoteric references, chemical formulas, and trade jargon are used throughout"
  • "A FOREIGN LIST OF BUYERS OF PAPER has been compiled, with the kind co-operation of three of the first firms of Wholesale Stationers in London. To these houses, situated in every part of the world, copies are regularly despatched. THE ADVERTISEMENTS that have so long appeared, and are now appearing in The Paper Record, are the best guarantee of its excellence as an Advertising Medium" (Willing's 1891:174)
  • Publisher's address: 154 Holborn, E.C. (BLT19 Database) and 1895; or 68 Fleet St. (Index 19); or 29 Ludgate Hill (Willing's 1891:174)
  • "The Paper Record well maintains its reputation as the leading organ of the trade" (Willing's 1891:174)
  • The Editor of the PAPER RECORD would like to point out that every Wholesale Manufacturing Stationer, every large Printing House, every Publisher of importance in the United Kingdom receives a Copy of each issue of the Paper Record" (Willing's 1891:174)
  • Became Paper, Stationery & Printing Record: An organ of the trade (1893-03 thru 1895-05); then became Paper Record & Wood Pulp News (1895) (COPAC)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • Stewart 3:500; 9; 46; 228; 1891:89, 140; 19

Works Cited

  • Stewart, James D., editor. British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals. 4 vols. Butterworths, 1968.
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