Paper and Print

Subtitle: “A Weekly Newspaper for Printers, Typefounders, Engineers, Machinists, Paper-Makers, Stationers, Bookbinders’ Material Manufacturers, &c.”

Alternate Title(s)

  • Printing Trades Journal (COPAC)
  • British and Colonial Printer (COPAC)

Related Journals

Start Date(s)

  • 1879 (Bigmore and Wyman)

End Date(s)

  • 1884 (Shattock)



  • London, England

Circulation Count

  • 5000 (Hubbard)

Type of Content

• Printers' gospel, almanack and calendar, cricket, for sale, periodicals in prospect, law and police, provincial intelligence, advertisements (1879); notes of the week, correspondents, foreign notes, editorial chat (1880)


  • "The only weekly Printing-trade organ issued in England at the present time (1881)" (Bigmore and Wyman 2:181)
  • "The first volume was completed July 24, 1880, consisting of 416 pages; a new volume was begun the following week, and the publication is regularly continued" (Bigmore and Wyman 2:181)
  • "In adopting for this Weekly Newspaper the title of Paper and Print, we are desirous that its name should be understood to include and represent all the branches of industry associated with, and dependent upon, the great and ever-increasing Paper and Printing Trades. We purpose to collect and chronicle all news affecting these industries. We also hope, through the aid afford us by able writers, to guide the employers and teach the toilers, not in a mere utilitarian spirit, but with a view to the dissemination of technical knowledge and the cultivation of artistic excellence" ("A Few Prefatory Words," vol. 1, no 1, 1879, p.1)
  • Was called the British and Colonial Printer (1878-79) (COPAC)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • Bigmore and Wyman 2:181; 7:92; 52; 1882:1647; 3:500; 53, 84

Works Cited

  • Bigmore, E. C., and C. W. H. Wyman. A Bibliography of Printing. 1880. Oak Knoll P and the British Library, 2001.
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