The Newspaper Press

Subtitle: “The Press Organ, A Medium of Intercommunication Between All Parties Associated with Newspapers & Record of Journalistic Lore”

Alternate Title(s)

  • Printers' Register (Bigmore and Wyman)

Alternate Subtitle(s)

  • An organ of intercommunication between newspaper proprietors, journalists, editors, reporters, correspondents, paper makers, stationers, type founders, printers, compositors, readers, newsvendors, advertisement agents, publishers, and "the trade" (journal itself)

Related Journals

Start Date(s)

  • 1867 (Bigmore and Wyman)
  • 1866 (Shattock)

End Date(s)

  • 1872 (Bigmore and Wyman)



  • London, England

Type of Content

• "A receptacle for items of interest to all Press people" ("One Word," vol. 1, no. 1, 1866, p. 3) • Reports bankruptcies (Lee 90) • Useful for circulation data (Shattock 2854) • Special feature: "The Month's Bright Ideas" (Ulrich 60)


  • An edited version of the English translation of Clarigny's "Histoire de la Presse en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis" appeared in installments from June 1, 1871 (Jones 57)
  • Incorporated with the Printers' Register in July 1872 (Bigmore and Wyman 2:179)
  • "The Newspaper Press will be what its name imports,--a receptacle for items of interest to all Press people. The researches into the past history of journalism which were prepared for the paper we formerly contemplated, were ten years ago published in a series of papers in the New Monthly Magazine, and subsequently amplified into the 'History of British Journalism,' brought out in two volumes by Mr. Bentley; but there are always many facts cropping up which will afford material for occasional articles on the Rise and Progress of the Press" ("One Word," vol. 1, no. 1, 1866, p. 3).
  • King calls this a "gossipy monthly" which is good to understand how costs and economics worked in Victorian periodicals (King 66)
  • “The Newspaper Press recorded 20 bankruptcies associated with newspapers in 1867, 28 in 1868, 24 in 1869, and 15 in 1890” (Lee 90)
  • “Alexander Andrewes, author of a standard history of the British press in 1859, and editor of the Newspaper Press (1867-72), pointed out its [Mitchell’s] failure to record ephemeral sheets, and the omission of others due to oversight or to the ignorance of proprietors of such an admirable publication as the Directory” (Lee 67)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • Bigmore and Wyman 57; 2:179; 7:91; 2854; 66; 67, 90; 3:382; 60, 89

Works Cited

  • Bigmore, E. C., and C. W. H. Wyman. A Bibliography of Printing. 1880. Oak Knoll P and the British Library, 2001.
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