The Lithographer

Subtitle: “A Medium of Intercommunication for the Lithographic and Engraving Trades, &c.”

Related Journals

Start Date(s)

  • 1870 (Shattock)

End Date(s)

  • 1874 (Shattock)
  • 1873 (Bigmore and Wyman)



  • London, England

Type of Content

  • Journal of lithography, typography, and the reproductive arts; correspondents, advertisements, articles, correspondence, recent inventions, patents which have become void (1870); practical hints for young lithographers, a novel trade union, law intelligence, publications received, correspondence, answers to correspondents, while the press waits (1874) (Waterloo)
  • Richmond's Grammar of Lithography originally appeared in this journal (Richmond 246)


  • "We propose, therefore, that The Lithographer shall apply itself to the dissemination of useful information amongst the members of the trade and its various concomitant branches; and that its contents shall be equally acceptable to the employer and the employee, as a means of calling forth the energies of both, and in encouraging the development of the Fine Arts. It must be admitted that in Art-Lithography we are behind our Continental brethren. There is no reason that we are aware of why this unequal state of things should exist, and that we should not hold our own with foreign competitors in artistic design and execution as well as in the more solid of our industries. To carry out these objects is the aim and scope of this Journal; and for this purpose we would invite suggestions on all matters of importance bearing on the profession through the medium of our correspondence column. It will also be our duty to carefully examine and elucidate all questions submitted for our consideration; and, at the same time, we will keep our readers well informed as to all improvements, inventions, discoveries, &c., which in any way concerns the trade" ("Our First Issue," vol. 1, no. 1, p.1)--I can't find this to confirm
  • "The Lithographer is published monthly, and circulates widely throughout the lithographic trade in the United Kingdom, India and the Colonies" (vol. 1, no. 2, p. 1)
  • Subtitle changed to "A Monthly Journal of Lithography and its Kindred Arts" in 1871 and then to "A Monthly Journal of Lithography, Typography, and the Reproductive Arts" in 1873 (Bigmore and Wyman 2:176)
  • Incorporated with The Printing Times either in July 1873 (Bigmore and Wyman 2:176) or in Aug. 1874 ("The Bibliography" 91, Ulrich & Kup 57, Richmond 246)
  • Began a new series in 1875 (Richmond 246)
  • Publisher's address: Queen Victoria St., London (BLT19 Database)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • BLT19
  • “The Bibliography” p. 91
  • Bigmore and Wyman vol. 2, p. 176
  • Richmond p. 246
  • Roberts p. 79
  • Shattock p. 51
  • Stewart vol. 3, p. 68
  • Ulrich and Kup p. 57, 87
  • The Waterloo Directory (online)

Works Cited

  • “The Bibliography of Printing.” The Printing Times and Lithographer, vol. 7, nos. 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, Jan.-June 1881. HathiTrust.
  • Bigmore, E. C., and C. W. H. Wyman. A Bibliography of Printing. 1880. Oak Knoll P and the British Library, 2001.
  • BLT19 Trade and Professional Press Database 1900. Created by Andrew King, 2020.
  • Richmond, W. D. The Grammar of Lithography. London, 1878.
  • Roberts, Helene E. “British Art Periodicals of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.” Victorian Periodicals Newsletter, no. 9, 1970, pp. 1–183. JSTOR.
  • Shattock, Joanne. The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. 4: 1800-1900. Edited by Frederick W. Bateson. 3rd ed. Cambridge UP. 1999.
  • Stewart, James D., editor. British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals. 4 vols. Butterworths, 1968.
  • Ulrich, Carolyn F., and Karl Kup. Books and Printing: A Selected List of Periodicals, 1800-1942. W. E. Rudge, 1943.
  • The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals: 1800-1900, edited by John S. North. North Waterloo Academic Press, 2009.
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