The Library Chronicle

Subtitle: “A Journal of Librarianship and Bibliography”

Start Date(s)

  • 1884 (NSTC )

End Date(s)

  • 1888 (COPAC)



  • London, England

Type of Content

  • Departments: notes and queries, the library association; library echoes, library association; official notices; library notes and news, home and foreign; library catalogues and reports; record of bibliography and library literature; correspondence; biographical sketches of bibliographers; other articles of interest to librarians; obituary notices (Waterloo)
  • "The LIBRARY CHRONICLE is issued on the 15th of every month, and consists of not less than sixteen pages. It contains articles on all matters relating to library economy and bibliography; notices of library catalogues and reports; notices of library and bibliographical publications, English and foreign library news, etc., etc." (vol. 1, no. 1, 1884, p. 20)


  • Official organ of the Library Association (COPAC)
  • "The Library Association of the United Kingdom will publish on the 15th of March, 1884, the first number of The Library Chronicle, a journal of librarianship and bibliography, to be issued on the 15th of every month, to consist of not less than sixteen pages, large 8vo., with wrapper" (Waterloo)
  • An index to this work is included in "An Index to Bibliographical Papers published by the Bibliographical Society and the Library Association" by George W. Cole (NSTC)
  • "Do not overlook the bibliographical articles, as stimulating and instructive as every bibliophile could wish" (Ulrich and Kup 150)
  • Publisher's address: 137 Long Acre, London (journal itself)

Subject Categories

Sources that Discuss this Journal

  • NSTC
  • Stewart vol. 3, p. 49
  • "Typographical Circular" p. 221
  • Ulrich and Kup p. 150, 170
  • The Waterloo Directory (online)

Works Cited

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