- The Printer, or Compositors’ and Pressmen’s Chronicle
- The Printers' Pension, Almshouse and Orphan Asylum Corporation Annual Report
- The Printers' Pocket Guide, Ready Reckoner, Almanac, and Diary
- The Printing News
- The Printing Review
- The Provincial Typographical Circular
- The Scottish Typographical Circular
- The Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Process Workers Annual Reports
- The Amalgamated Society of Paper Makers: Quarterly Report
- The Amalgamated Society of Lithographic Printers of Great Britain and
- The Compositor’s Chronicle
- The Leeds Typographical Circular
- The London Press Journal and General Trades Advocate
- The London Printers’ Circular and Vigilance Gazette
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne Typographical Society Tracts [Series 6]
- The Typographical Circular [London]
- The Typographical Circular [Manchester]
- The Typographical Gazette
- The Typographical Protection Circular
- The Vigilance Gazette
- The Northern Typographical Union
- The Typographical Societies' Monthly Circular
- [The Half-Yearly] Report of the Typographical Association
- The British Printer
- Out on Strike/The Craftsman