Rob Reynolds
1163A JFSB
Research Areas:
Computational linguistics, Computer assisted learning
I love teaching anything even tangentially related to Natural Language Processing, Python programming, and Russian Linguistics. I have supervised many undergraduate research grants, and I welcome new proposals. I use Natural Language Processing and machine learning techniques to build Computer-Assisted Language Learning apps and utilities. This field is called (Artificially) Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL). I specialize in Russian, but have done some work with several other languages. Peer-reviewed journal articles: Janda, Laura and Robert Reynolds. “Construal vs. Redundancy: Russian aspect in context.” 33pp. Cognitive Linguistics 30 (3). 2019. Endresen, Anna, Laura Janda, and Robert Reynolds. “Aspectual opposition and rivalry in Russian are not discrete: new evidence from experimental data.” pp. 249-271, Russian Linguistics 43 (3). 2019. Endresen, Anna, Laura Janda, Robert Reynolds, and Francis Tyers. “Who needs particles? A challenge to the classification of particles as a part of speech in Russian.” Russian Linguistics 40 (2). 2016. Peer-reviewed collection articles: Parker, Jeff, Robert Reynolds, and Andrea D. Sims. “Network properties of inflection class systems: Why some classes contribute more complexity than others”. Committed to volume on morphological typology and linguistic cognition, to be submitted to Cambridge University Press, eds. Andrea D Sims, Adam Ussishkin, Jeff Parker and Samantha Wray. Peer-reviewed proceedings articles: Parker, Jeff, Robert Reynolds, and Andrea D. Sims. “A Bayesian Investigation of Factors Shaping the Network Structure of Inflection Class Systems.” Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 1, no. 1 (2018): 223-224. Reynolds, Robert. “Insights from Russian second language readability classification: complexity-dependent training requirements, and feature evaluation of multiple categories.” In Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pp. 289–300. 2016. San Diego, California. Reynolds, Robert and Francis Tyers. “Automatic word stress annotation of Russian unrestricted text.” In Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2015, p. 173. 2015. Tyers, Francis and Robert Reynolds. 2015. “A preliminary constraint grammar for Russian.” In Proceedings of the Workshop on “Constraint Grammar – methods, tools, applications” at NODALIDA 2015. Vilnius, Lithuania. Reynolds, Robert, Eduard Schaf and Detmar Meurers. 2014. “A VIEW of Russian: Visual Input Enhancement for a Morphologically Rich Language.” In Proceedings of 3rd workshop on NLP for computer-assisted language learning. Uppsala, Sweden. Reynolds, Robert. 2014. “Automatic Evaluation of Potential Targets for Textual Enhancement: Identifying Optimal Sentences for Learner Uptake.” In Research Challenges in CALL. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International CALL Conference, edited by Jozef Colpaert, Ann Aerts, and Margret Oberhofer, 365. Antwerp: University of Antwerp. Reynolds, Robert. 2013. “Are Russian prefixes out of order?: Complexity-Based Ordering and template morphology.” University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 19 (1). ISSN 1524-9549.s 158 – 168. I regularly serve as a reviewer for several NLP conferences, including Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Building Educational Applications (BEA), and Natural Language Processing for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL). Chair, ICALL SIG of CALICO, 2017-2019 Election Committee, IALLT, 2018 Technical specialist, BYU International Cinema (2018-pres) I supervise maintenance and development of a number of websites: hummedia.byu.edu, icall.byu.edu, view.byu.edu, webclips.byu.edu, yvideo.byu.edu, etc. (2017-pres) Awards Committee, College of Humanities (2020-pres)Teaching Experience
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