Kathie Gossett
JFSB 1163F
Research Areas:
IA/UI, Medieval Studies, Multimedia Production, UXD/UXR
My teaching is significantly informed by the rhetorical concepts of kairos (timeliness) and poiesis (making/creating). That is, I strive to keep my courses and assignments current by encouraging students to work in the moment, taking advantage of the most opportune tools, technologies, and research. As a teacher I feel it is important to continue to learn and grow continuously. I strive to do that by exploring new pedagogical methods as well as responding to student and collegial feedback. As a researcher my interests include User Experience (Accessibility, Hardware, Design), Digital Dissertations, & Digital Humanities. My current project looks at the way the design of medieval/gothic cathedrals could influence the UX practice of way finding. My work has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. I have published in Kairos, ACM SIGDOC Proceedings, and MediaCommons as well as chapters in several book projects. Advising New Types of Dissertations: A Primer for Faculty and Administrators. In The New Dissertation, eds. #digidiss: A Project Exploring Digital Dissertation Policies, Practices, & Archiving with Liza Potts. In Shaping the Digital Dissertation, eds. Virginia Kuhn & Anke Finger Writing with Video: What Happens When Composition Comes Off the Page? with Maria Lovett, James Purdy, and Carrie Lamanna. In RAW: Reading and Writing New Media, eds. Cheryl Ball and James Kalambach Creating a UX Curriculum: Multidisciplinary Courses in Technical Writing Programs. ACM SIGDOC Designing an Archive for Born-Digital Dissertations. ACM SIGDOC Teaching UX: Designing Programs to Train the next Generation of UX Experts with Liza Potts, Michael Salvo, and Guiseppe Getto. ACM SIGDOC Video Editor for Participatory Memory: Fandom Experiences Across Time & Space UI Designer & Developer for Whitewash by Manuela Mourão UX/Project Manager for Kairos Redesign with Karl Stolley & Doug Eyman — Received the Michelle Kendrick Outstanding Digital Production/Scholarship Award Building an Open-Source Archive for Born-Digital Dissertations. Final Report to the NEH Office of Digital Humanities Chair, International Conference on the Design of Communication, ACM, (2014, 2015, 2016) Board Member, ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication (2011-2016) Secretary/Treasurer, ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication (2012-2014)Teaching Experience
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
Digital Projects
White Paper
Citizenship assignments
Professional Website